Elliptic curves and SNARKs — Past, present and future.

Nov 12, 2024
Bangkok, Thailand
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand

Elliptic curves are used in many proof systems. Some systems (e.g. Bulletproofs) use plain curves (e.g. ed25519). Some (e.g. Groth16, KZG-PLONK) use pairing-friendly curves (e.g. BLS12-381). Some recursive systems require pairing-friendly 2-cycle (e.g. MNT4/6) or 2-chains (e.g. BLS12-377/BW6-761). Some other recursive/folding systems require plain 2-cycle (e.g. Pasta). In this talk we will go through the difference between these curves and why there isn’t a silver bullet curve for all scenarios.

Youssef El Housni
Cryptographer at Consensys (NYC, USA)

My research interests include applied cryptography for blockchain applications.